Amethyst gemstone loose
Normal price €9,95
This stone is one of the most famous gemstones & a true powerhouse.
Colour: Purple
Found: Brazil, Mexico & South Africa
- Radiates peace & pure tranquility, dispels negativity
- It provides a lighter head, both in fewer headaches and fewer thoughts
- Works purifying & protective
- This stone will sort out your feelings & help you with emotions, traumas and special moments
- Helps with falling asleep (and staying asleep) & fewer nightmares
This beautiful gemstone will be sent with a meaning card & pouch.
Gems are only supportive and are not a substitute for medicine. They work as a 'brick in the back'. Do you suffer from complaints? Always consult a doctor. We share our knowledge and give advice from our own experience, but this can work differently for everyone.
Order your gemstones now
In addition to a labradorite, you can also buy jewelry with gemstones in our webshop. We are happy to help you find the gemstone that best suits you, or the person you are gifting the bracelet to! You can also buy an amber bracelet for your baby or toddler from us. For questions about the gemstones or other products from our online shop, email
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